
Our proposed Install Support price for 2017

We’re here to support your customers’ fibre experience. So we’re finalising our Install Support proposal, after taking on board your feedback.

What's happening?

From 1 January 2017, we’re proposing to offer Install Support at $40 per order submitted, for a fixed six month term. This new service is intended to replace our interim Install Support service, which ends on 31 December 2016.

The price and term is based on your feedback and our assumed uptake. However, it's still dependent on final customer uptake. You now need to confirm your intentions, so we can issue final pricing on 3 October 2016.

What's the detail?

For fibre installs, we’ve seen several providers really beef up their systems, people and processes. That’s great news. They’re almost ready to keep end-customers informed and manage install expectations. 
Other providers however have asked for ongoing support. They’re still developing these capabilities. Obviously, we’d like to still help if it's needed and economically viable.
Taking up Install Support means we’ll communicate with your home and small business customers, during the entire fibre install process. We’ll cover you from order receipt, to the commissioning of a connection.
Before we can finalise the service, we need to confirm your intentions. Will you take-up the proposed six-month Install Support service from 1 January 2017, based on a $40 per order submitted fee?

Interested? Then please:

  1. Read the details here.
  2. Contact your account manager to give feedback on the offers’ proposed terms.
  3. Sign the conditional Install Support offer letter before 30 September, confirming your intentions.

On Monday 3 October, we’ll confirm if there's been enough interest and the final pricing.

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your account manager.