
We'd like to upgrade copper broadband

Your customers deserve the fastest, most stable connection - regardless of broadband type. That’s why we’re proposing to optimise ADSL lines via Dynamic Line Management (DLM).

What’s happening?

DLM is an inherent feature of the VDSL product. It’s already applied to every VDSL-enabled port, to ensure the best individual line performance. It optimises both line speed and stability.

We’re proposing to add DLM to ADSL lines, and we’re discussing this change with the TCF. We’d love to roll DLM out to all ADSL lines in Ethernet DSLAMs.

What's the detail?

All ADSL lines were originally set up to use the same line profile as it was the only option available at the time. Individual customers can, in the main, receive a better service if their profile is dynamically tuned to their line characteristics.

Introducing DLM
When DLM is applied, it closely monitors the performance of a line and automatically varies the profile for optimal speed and stability. It then continues to adapt and improve, as the condition of the line changes. Variables can include electrical noise, changes in house wiring or copper plant enhancements.

We believe that for most, there will be an improvement in both line speed and stability. However some individual connections may experience a small reduction in their raw line speed to improve their stability. For these customers, their reduction in packet loss and retransmission will result in a better overall customer experience. For those with interleaving off or interleaving low connections (like gamers), DLM won’t apply.

We’re proposing to test DLM on active ADSL lines, in Ethernet DSLAMs. Subject to TCF feedback, testing will be in the Wairarapa. It will cover Carterton, Greytown, Featherston, Pirinoa, Gladstone and Martinborough exchange areas. Thankfully, the testing does not require an outage for your customers.

Next Steps
Once these tests confirm our expected improvements, we’ll propose to the TCF to roll DLM out to all EthernetDSLAMs. With TCF approval, this would be done by the end of the year.
We’ll discuss the details of the testing and migration in the TCF. Once we confirm the timings, we’ll update you via your Service Delivery Manager. We’ll also provide a list of your connection ASIDs that will be involved in the testing.

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your Service Delivery Manager or TCF representative.