
Celebrating 100GB of household data as the new normal

From today we’re launching a nationwide campaign to celebrate an exciting milestone for New Zealand broadband, with the average household on our network now using over 100GB of data a month.

What's happening?

The amount of data being consumed by New Zealand households on our network has grown almost 100 percent to more than 100GB a month since the start of 2015. With the trend over the last three months looking set to continue, we're forecasting the average monthly household usage to reach 166GB in June 2017.

Our belief is this growth isn’t just about New Zealanders watching more and more content online, it’s also about the rapid digitisation of our everyday lives. Broadband is now increasingly seen as the fourth utility, it sits at the heart of the home and plays a pivotal role in how we live our day-to-day lives.

We see this change in data usage – as more customers take up fast broadband services – as one of the factors that will help grow our industry.

Through a short promotional campaign we’re looking to start a conversation about the increasing importance of broadband to New Zealand families. We’d like people to think about their household’s changing data needs today, and in the year ahead.

What's the detail?

Today, Monday 11 July, we’ll launch a nationwide advertising campaign that celebrates more than 100GB of data being used in the average home every month.

The campaign spans two weeks of advertising on digital billboards, bus shelters, major websites, mobile and social media promoted posts.

Check out to see how our data usage is changing and how 100GB is quickly becoming the new normal.

Who should I contact?

For further information please contact your Account Manager.