
We are reviewing our backhaul portfolio and require your input

With the ongoing growth in bandwidth on both our fibre network and other access network technologies that we support, we think it’s time to review our backhaul products to ensure they not only meet today’s needs but are positioned to meet the needs of our customers well into the future.

We would like to get your feedback on our current backhaul services, share our ideas for our backhaul portfolio, and listen to your views on how we can meet your future backhaul requirements.

What’s changing

There is no change right at this moment, we are just seeking your feedback to help us shape our future backhaul products.

Supporting details

Our backhaul services can carry a range of service provider traffic between central offices and aggregation points such as a points of interconnect (POI) or first data switch (FDS), to other central offices or POI’s.  These services can use a range of different technologies, from dark fibre to dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM), including some backhaul services that go back to before the internet, used for carrying voice, paging, or other legacy and low speed data services. Today’s backhaul products go all the way to 100G, so span a very wide range of speeds and uses.

Next steps

If you are interested in discussing the future of your backhaul with us, contact your account lead to arrange a time to talk to us.


We look forward to consulting with you.